A Celebration of Willow

The Definitive Guide to Sculpture Techniques Woven with Ecology, Sustainability and Healing

By (author) Kim Creswell

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Book Details

  • Publisher : Aeon Books
  • Published : March 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 256
  • Size : 174mm(w) x 246mm(h)
  • Catalogue No : 95240
  • ISBN 13 : 9781801520515
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An invitation to reconnect with nature through the art of willow sculpture.

Lavishly illustrated with full colour photographs, this uniquely valuable book pays homage to the willow in many ways, providing an in depth discussion to the intricacies of willow sculpture, ranging from sourcing materials and basic techniques, to how to weave a variety of shapes and forms.

Over the last three decades, Kim Creswell has dedicated her life to working with the elegant and abundant Salix; in A Celebration of Willow, she shares with readers the knowledge she has gathered through connecting with her plant ally, the familiar and flexible willow tree.

Throughout the book, the author focuses on the importance of cultivating a deep and mutual relationship with the natural world, discussing in detail important concepts such as ecology and sustainability. She also explores explores working with the willow tree in herbal medicine.

A Celebration of Willow not only provides a poignant introduction to the willow tree but acts as a pathway for readers to consider how they can connect with themselves as a part of nature.

About the author

By (author) Kim Creswell

Kim Creswell is a willow sculptor, painter of horse drawn caravans, and medical herbalist. Kim’s unique skill set has been refined by her deep green lifestyle, submerged in the British countryside, working with the wilds.

Deeply held environmental and political beliefs led Kim to a nomadic life at an early age. Travelling for many years with a horse and wagon, on the peripheries of main-stream society, allowed the development of abilities often lost - a connection with plants, animals and the twitching web of wyrd which can only be found with long term emersion.

During her thirties, Kim purchased a plot of mono-crop land at auction and, employing traditional methods, has actively supported its regeneration. Twenty years on the land is now an off-grid nature reserve and small holding which supplies a vast array of food, medicine and craft materials.  

Kim lives with her horse companions alongside hares, barn owls, badgers, bats and foxes at their bucolic oasis, and is active in the local community raising awareness and promoting biodiversity.

Reviews & Endorsements

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Clive Farrell, Hon. FRES, Royal Entomological Society and butterfly farmer on 20/03/2024

Pairs of eagles, hares, wolves and stags and a “growing boat”-these are some of the enormous living willow sculptures Kim has made for me with her bare hands aided only by secateurs, at Ryewater Nursery my wildlife reserve in Dorset.I have a precious memory of a pony and trap careening down my lane and the sound of wild and unrestrained laughter. This was Kim driving with her then tiny daughter Rowan. They had just finished one of the wolves and were homeward bound. I strongly commend this unique book, part manual and part biography.

Marcos Patchett, herbalist and author of 'The Secret Life of Chocolate' on 20/03/2024

This book is a work of lunar magic. Eloquent and exact, it interweaves practical instruction for DIY willow sculpture with calls to transformation of our personal and collective relationship with nature. It distils a lifetime of experience, detailing the medicinal properties of willow and techniques of propagation, cultivation, and harvesting while also providing a profound testimonial to the value of living and engaging deeply with a particular plant. It illuminates an authentically traditional, yet living and creative path towards ecological responsibility and re-integration with community in the wider sense. A pleasure to read, and a wonderful achievement!

Pam Lewis, meadow maker on 20/03/2024

As the author describes her fascinating path of life alongside willow she introduces us to the many and varied aspects this remarkably versatile plant can play in all our lives, reminding us of its role in shaping the very fabric of the British landscape and its interrelated ecology. Uses range from furniture making and basketry to medicinal purposes and associations with astrology.
Kim demonstrates her artisan skills in weaving beautiful sculptures as we are given a succinctly described and beautifully illustrated master-class in the creative process, including growing and harvesting of the sustainable materials

Seed SistAs, herbalists and authors of 'The Sensory Herbal Handbook and Poison Prescriptions' on 20/03/2024

We adored reading this treasure of a book, Kim’s love of the willow, profound expertise and artistic prowess shine through each and every page. With an intimate understanding of willow's ecological significance and healing properties, Kim elevates this practical book beyond mere instruction, infusing it with inspiration and connectivity. The pages, adorned with gorgeous full-colour photographs, weave a web of useful knowledge. The text helps to clearly explain sourcing, growing, and crafting techniques whilst creating an aspirational journey for readers. From basic techniques to the art of sculpting metal-framed and living willow figures, each chapter holds valuable information, making this book a beacon for those wishing to unlock the secrets of this remarkable craft.

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