Aeon Health - Events and Seminars

Ageing Gracefully: A Holistic Guide to Later Life with Elisabeth Brooke







Extra Info

'Ageing Gracefully' takes the reader through common issues associated with growing older and gives insight and practical advice on how to stay healthy and happy in later life.

We all grow older (if we are lucky) but modern culture is obsessed with staying youthful and ageing is seen as a failure, or something to avoid at all costs. Yet, in the Blue Zones, people live long, happy, and healthy lives.

In this talk, Elisabeth Brooke will discuss the factors that these populations have in common. The so called ‘illnesses of old age’ are not inevitable and decline can be reversed by addressing these areas.

A simple, wholesome diet, adequate sleep and exercise all contribute to a healthy body and a healthy brain. Connection with others is something we often lose as we age, yet purpose, community, gratitude, and friendship play a vital role in staying healthy and happy.

Elisabeth will also discuss practical ways the practitioner can work with elderly patients to support a healthy lifestyle.

Organised By

The Association of Master Herbalists

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