Natasha Lloyd

Natasha Lloyd grew up around the joys of plants learning from her mother and a well thumbed copy of A Modern Herbal by Mrs Grieves, foraging with her mum since she was a child.

She had a croft and a small holding before qualifying in Herbal Medicine in 2013. With the harvests from her mother's allotment and once older, from her own croft and smallholding, she would make condiments.

In 2018 she joined the team at the Fife Arms Hotel where she initially helped create and make the condiments for the hotel, as well as the first cocktail menu as the in-house forager. She now takes guests on foraging walks. She qualified in medicinal mushrooms in 2021.

Her clinics are with Napiers working remotely for the general clinic in Edinburgh and for the CLAID (Covid,Lyme and Infectious diseases), an integrated and research clinic.

She was appointed a director of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists in 2023 and Finance lead in 2024.

She lives in the Cairngorms in Scotland with her two dogs and cat, and you can often find her roaming the hills looking for plants and fungi enjoying being out in nature.

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Foraged Condiments

Natasha Lloyd

$45.00 (PB)

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