Mary Tassell

Mary Tassell

Mary Tassell commenced training to become a medical herbalist in 1996, after working for over 10 years within an NHS setting in clinical biochemistry. On graduating she became a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (MNIMH) in 2000, subsequently taking over editorship of their in-house magazine for a number of years. She taught at both Western Herbal Medicine training clinics and for the Northern College of Acupuncture, where she taught Anatomy and Physiology. She strongly believes that medicine should not be a 'one size fits all' discipline and actively encourages and enables her patients to adopt strategies to improve their own health wherever possible. Mary completed an MSc in Western Herbal Medicine in 2006. She runs a variety of informal courses, walks and workshops in the Dorset area.

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Native Healers

Mary Tassell

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